Thursday 19 November 2015

Carole poses

Through the photography group, as regular readers of this blog will know, I occasionally get asked to do private work - portraits of families and various loved ones, even the pet.  Sometimes - and it doesn't happen very often, just in case anyone thinks I really do live the life of Reilly - I get asked to take a series of shots for people who need a bit of a boost.

This can mean a whole lot of things, but generally it's recently divorced or separated people who want photographs taking of them, to give them a boost.  For some it gives them a new lease of life, allowing themselves to become something other than the wounded soldier they are in their heads and for others it's just a way to reconnect with the person they are having trouble finding.  I have no problem with any of this, I think it's good and healthy.

Carole is in her mid-fifties and her husband - the arsehole - has decided he wants to see what else is out there so, after 30 years of marriage and three kids, she's understandably feeling a bit down.  She got in touch, I spoke with her, we arranged a session.

She was a natural.  As we talked, discussing our various issues, it came out about this blog and she was really interested in it, to the extent she said she might try something like it herself.  I asked if I could use some of the shots, obviously hiding her identity and she agreed.  Nothing untoward happened, the session ran well and we got on very well.

Anyway, here's Carole.  And, as per our arrangement, if anyone likes what they see, get in touch with me on and I'll pass the emails on!


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