Friday, 24 October 2014

Charlie, a MILF of my acquaintance

This is Charlie, a MILF of my acquaintance.

I've known her for years and have been trying to photograph her for most of that time - she's got a great body, she's open-minded and I'd gladly shag her if the opportunity arose. That didn't happen this time but, as she's just about to pass the milestone of 50, she did decide to let me shoot her.

And wow, fuck me, she was brilliant. As you can see below. Thanks, Charlie, you're lovely and I appreciate you letting me post these pics here.

And if you, blog reader, like what you see - get in touch at and I'll pass on your messages to Charlie.

Saturday, 18 October 2014

Readers wives wanking (and a story)

A couple of weeks back, I got this email (and if you're ever tempted to send me anything for the blog, please do so at from a reader called Gwen.

Hi Peter

I hope you don't mind me writing to you but I was reading one of your Christina blogs and it got me so hot I had to do something about it.  This is the result.  Sorry it's not a better picture but as you can imagine, getting a good photo wasn't the main thing on my mind...

Love Gwen (keep writing those stories, they make me hot!)

Thanks Gwen, I'm really pleased my tale had this effect - it looks like you were having a great time!

Her email, as great as it was, made me wonder what she might have been thinking about if she hadn't read my blog (and whether I should write about it or not).  That, in turn, led me to think of those readers/wives pictures I'd received of ladies doing themselves.

So here's my tale, accompanied by readers/wives jilling off and a lovely image of Rachel...

Rachel, enjoying herself earlier this year

She is lying naked on the bed, waiting and ready.  She runs her left hand down over the curve of her bum, reaching further to gently stroke her inner thigh and the smooth lips of her pussy.  The touch shoots a flutter of excitement through her belly and makes her pussy slicken.
She closes her eyes, thinking of her boyfriends fingers as they touch her pussy, imagines that its his fingers that are gently pushing into the hot wet between her legs rather than her own.
With two fingers, she draws back her pussy lips so that her clit is exposed and the finger she brushes over it is already damp with her juice.  She imagines him kissing up her legs, nibbling at her inner thighs.  She can almost feel his warm breath on her pussy as he kisses the intimate folds.  She brushes her free hand over her breasts, her nipples hard and stiff and she moans, rolling her nipples between her fingers.
Her finger works at her clit and she thinks of his tongue, how he’d tease the bud with soft quick flicks, before licking the full length of her cunt from top to bottom.  That, combined with her fingering, makes her moan and she tips her hips back.  She pinches her nipple in time with her clit flicks, sending another wave of pleasure exploding through her belly.  He would be on her now, his mouth over her pussy, driving his tongue deep.  She slips a finger into herself, imitating him but it’s not enough and she puts another one in.  They are quickly slick with juice.
She wants more now, the desire to cum so bad that she almost feels dizzy and her pussy throbs with anticipation.  She wants to be exposed, even though she’s in the house on her own and she brings her legs up, her knees pressing into her breasts, her pussy gaping with the position.  Reaching around her legs, to make the exposure seem all that much more extreme, she taps her clit with her left hand and begins to masturbate with her right.  She pushes two fingers into her pussy, breathing deeply, feeling hot and horny.  She pushes in a third finger, stretching her cunt but it doesn’t hurt, it makes her feel more lascivious and it’s a feeling she loves, a feeling she revels in.
She pushes with her fingers, thrusts with her hips, fucking her hand.  She moans, the sound deep in her chest and moves her legs, the skin brushing her nipples and adding to her excitement.  As she grinds her hips she hears her moans get louder.  She moving in rhythm now, everything dedicated to her pleasure, her fingers exploring her pussy, her hand tapping her cunt, her nipples brushing her legs.
She cums in a rush, hot spasms running down her body from head to toe, making her shudder and shake in her ecstasy.   Everything stops, even her breathing and revels in the sensation.  She takes a deep breath, moans and quickly strokes her clit again to keep the spasms running, her cunt contracting over her fingers.
The spasms lessen and she lightly strokes her clit, breathing hard.  She puts her legs down almost reluctantly, listening to her heartbeat pound throughout her body and runs a hand over her breasts, getting the last bit of play from her nipples.
She waits for the throbbing of her body to subside and closes her eyes, at peace in her bliss.
(and bring on the readers wives!)
 Caitlin sent in this selfie of her making full use of the utility room!  Thanks Caitlin, great pic!

A great angle of Kathleen and her wonderfully luscious looking pussy and arse, taken by her husband Howard.  Thanks guys.

 Sharon fingers herself and writes "I like to jill myself off whilst teasing my butt at the same time".  It looks great, thanks for Sharon and her partner Ellen for this great pic.

 Alex sent in this selfie, as she wanks herself and plays with her arse.  Thanks Alex, great photo!

What a great pic!  This is Sheila, sent in by her and her husband Don.  I love everything about this!

Sunday, 12 October 2014

My sexy friend Jess poses...

This is Jess, a friend of mine from way back who - very briefly - became something a little more after my ex-wife & I split up. Thankfully we both saw sense quickly and went back to being very good friends but, I have to say, that couple of weeks were intense.

Jess is single and interested (and very interesting!), so she's both okayed me posting her pics here and also said not to hide her identity. If anyone wants to get in touch with her, email me at and I'll pass them on to her!

Now how's this for a pose?

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Gemma and a lovely weekend

It was a lovely weekend, it was sunny and warm and life felt great.  We managed to take advantage of it and spent Saturday and most of Sunday at my friend Jon's place. He had a great party and BBQ and we had a cracking time.

What made it even better was that one of the women there - Gemma - was somebody I knew from the Photography Group and she looked as great as ever.  We'd had a bit to drink, I suggested a quick photo session and she agreed. And here it is, hope you like it - I enjoyed shooting it and she enjoyed posing.

Thursday, 2 October 2014

I wish I'd taken these!

The art of photography is capturing an image, stealing one shot from a life that zips by all too quickly for the liking of most of us.  Sometimes we capture a wonderful moment, sometimes we miss it by the slenderest of margins, other times you develop the shot and can't work out what the hell you were trying to do.

You look at the work of other photographers and, if you're anything like me, you think "shit, why didn't I think of that?" or "Bollocks, how did I miss that?"

Well here are two images that I've seen this week for the first time and both of them make me wish I'd taken them!

The look, the bitten lip, the exposed tit - fucking genius!
