Tuesday, 27 May 2014

At a wedding

Christina & I went to a wedding at the weekend, a friend of hers from work - Calum - was getting hitched to a delightful young lady called Jacqui.  I told Christina that I'd be perfectly willing to take some photographs but a pro had already been booked - who recognised me from the Photography Group, where he's an associate member - and he's good.  So instead, I had a great day with my love, we ate and drank and danced and made merry and it was a fantastic day.

I did, however, take my camera along and I got some cracking candid shots.  See you what think.

 I don't know which side of the family this was but fuck me, look at that cleavage!

 More cleavage, at the wedding breakfast!  These are colleagues of Christina and Calum.

 The bride's feet

 A bridesmaid's French pedicure.


 Barefoot guest

I didn't catch her name but she did say to me "You didn't get the fag in, did you?"  That, I thought, is the least of your worries love...

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